My two daughters, Grace, age 6, and Claire, age 11, have been fortunate to have Sande as their Occupational Therapist since June 2008. She has worked with them individually and in small groups and has helped them make great progress with their individual sensory, motor, social and emotional skills. I have watched Sande work with many children, each with different needs. She respects each child as an individual and gives them her full attention, respect, and compassion. I have yet to see a child, including my own, who is not deeply bonded to Sande. For my daughters, their ‘work’ with Sande are moments of pleasure. They never want to miss a week with their favorite ‘play’ teacher. For me, Sande has become the first and last person I go to for parenting advice. Her insight and guidance have proven priceless.
October 28, 2014
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